no more double chins in photos

If you’re tired of staring at your double chin or turkey neck in your photos you’re definitely going to want to watch this because in under 10 minutes, I’m sharing 8 tips to help hide your double chin and turkey neck in photos.

8 Tips to hide Double Chins in Photos 


Watch now: CONCEAL DOUBLE CHIN IN PHOTOS | Tips to hide Turkey neck | Camera Confidence

In this video…
  • 8 Easy tips for hiding double chins and turkey necks in photos
  • 1 Little experiment I tried out! 

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One of the most common complaints I hear from women is their concern about their neck area, either their double chin or their turkey neck.

Abigail K

over 40 Content Creator

I’ve photographed MANY kinds of women over the years – mostly entrepreneurial women who are building their personal brands online.

One of the most common complaints I hear from them is their concern about their neck area, either their double chin or their turkey neck.

As we get older, the neck area just gets worse and we tend to notice it’s supposed flaws more and more, so knowing a handful of tips to help you conceal or diminish this problem area will give you back the confidence to keep showing up in photos – whether they’re professional photos or self-portraits.

8 Tips for Concealing Double Chins & Turkey Neck in Photos

  1. Half Swallow

  2. Lean forward

  3. Laugh forward

  4. Turtle Neck Pose 

  5. Turtle Neck Sweater/Scarf

  6. Raise Camera Angle

  7. Elevate Light Source

  8. Make-up Contour

Watch the video for more in-depth details of the 8 tips for concealing double chins and turkey neck in photos.

Over the last few years I’ve started to notice how my turkey neck is getting worse – especially when I accidentally switch on the selfie camera while I’m taking a flat-lay photo! Urgh!

But before I allow my inner critic to start beating me up about my saggy chin skin, I remind myself of the simple techniques I’ve  shared with you, and how I can reverse or minimise the awful necktastrophe that is a double chin or turkey neck.

Abigail K

over 40 content creator

Try these tips and see instant results

8 Tips for Hiding Double Chins & Turkey Neck in Photos

Try the tips I mentioned in the video and see how they transform your chin in photos – stand in front of the mirror or turn on your selfie camera and practice the techniques I’ve shared.

If you want to try out some more poses, then check out my 101 Poses Manual for Women.

I’d love to hear which technique works best for you. Let me know in the comments below…

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