Are you an Outlaw Archetype? 3 Signs you might be an Outlaw

If you’re the kind of woman who’s a non-conformist, who challenges and changes mundane and antiquated rules and who doesn’t trust people who continue to do things a certain way, just because that’s the way they’ve always been done, then you probably have a dominant Outlaw Personality Archetype.

You’re also the kind of woman who’s going to love this series about the 12 Personality Archetypes.

Are you a Crusader / Hero Archetype? 3 Signs you might be a Crusader / Hero

If you’re the kind of woman who’s motivated to set and meet your goals because you’re on a mission, you’ve got things to do and you meet challenges head on believing that your resilience will get you through, then you probably have a dominant Crusader a.k.a. Hero Personality Archetype.

You’re also the kind of woman who’s going to love this series about the 12 Personality Archetypes.

Are you a Catalyst/ Magician Archetype? 3 Signs you might be a Catalyst/ Magician

If you’re the kind of woman who recognises that a person’s beliefs determines their reality and you sense that everything in the world and the universe is interconnected, then you probably have a dominant Catalyst a.k.a. Magician Personality Archetype.

You’re also the kind of woman who’s going to love this series about the 12 Personality Archetypes.